Board of Directors election

Report of the Nominating Committee

May 16, 2017

Mr. President and Members of the Governing Board: The Nominating Committee is comprised of the following CCR members, Dayle Fish (Chair), Waltraud Bastia and Karen Whitman, the Nomination Committee has nominated a slate for candidates per the CCR bylaws and presented them to the board in April 2017. The annual election was scheduled to be held at the annual CCR business meeting and luncheon scheduled May 16 2017.
The Election of officers was held as scheduled above and the Ballot consisted of the following nominated CCR members:
For the Governing Board:
President: Fred Rosenberg
Vice President: Anita (Del) Sisson
2cd Vice President: Stan and Karen Whitman
Treasurer: Wendy Fuhrmanek
Secretary: Anne Fortson
Social Chair (ex-officio, no vote required): Mary Hartwell
For Executive Board: Lois Ascroft, Barbara Biller, Fred Feldman, Jimmy Gapusan, Kathy Goebel, Kay Merchant, Judy Murdoch, Bob Stanzik, Charles Strauss, Maritza Strauss. The executive boards will be filled as such: From the Election, the five members receiving the most votes will serve on the 2017-2019 Executive board. The members receiving the 6th and 7th most votes will augment the 2016-2018 Executive board serve 1 year thus this brings both boards evenly to 5 members
As per preceding paragraph, the members receiving the top 5 number of Executive Board votes and serving 2 years are:
Judy Murdoch
Bob Stancik
Fred Feldman
Lois Ascroft
Charles Strauss
The members receiving the 6th and 7th most votes and serving for 1 year are:
Jimmy Gapusan
Marizita Strauss
I must note that during this election we successfully were able to offer the ability of absentee voting of which 5 CCR members took advantage, and the ability to provide proxy voting an item no member took advantage of.
This concludes my report.
Respectfully submitted,
Dayle I. Fish
Chairman Nomination Committee