Coming Attractions: March 14, 2017

Week 10

March 14, 2017


Mythology and the Celtic Revival

This talk by Joe Kelly, Professor of Irish American Studies at the College of Charleston, “will begin with a brief introduction to Irish mythology – some main character and stories, its oral origins, and the history of its first being recorded in writing.  We will then proceed to more “modern” Irish history in the great struggle to overthrow British colonial rule.  I will emphasize especially the central movement at the turn of the last century known as the Celtic Revival, which led, ultimately to the Easter Rising of 1916.”



The Cigar Factory

Michele Moore, author of The Cigar Factory, will join us to discuss her novel, which paints a picture of workers’ lives –  both black and white and both in and out of the iconic Charleston factory. She will share her inspiration for the book and the historic research she did in creating it.  As a result, we will gain an appreciation for the  deeper historic significance of what is now a newly refurbished commercial space at East Bay and Columbus Streets.