Coming Attractions April 14, 2015

Feng Shui Tips For The Over 50 Crowd
Eileen Conti Weklar, Master Feng Shui Practitioner, Feng Shui Designs and Solutions

If you are looking for solutions for lack of energy and stress reduction, it seems sensible to find out what you can do with you environment to promote balance. Learn ways to ensure that your spaces not only support your well-being but are not actively working against you and contributing to your drain. Amidst all the stresses of modern life, most of us want to come home to a space that promotes harmony and restoration of spirit.

National Borders and the Middle East
Christopher Wright, Professor of History, The Citadel

After WWI and WWII in the Middle East borders were established that disregarded the tribal and ethnic groups that historically lived there. And so many years after the ends of these wars, the impacts of these decisions are still playing out.

The Center for Creative Retirement (CCR) invites individuals from diverse backgrounds to make presentations on a wide array of topics. The views and opinions expressed by these presenters are not necessarily those of either CCR or The College of Charleston.